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    • Who we are
          • COMMUNIO

            Communio is an initiative of the Conference of Catholic Bishops of India (CCBI) since 2018, to assist, support, and sustain all our Dioceses and Religious Congregations working in rural and mission areas in their pastoral ministry.

    • What we do
          • PRAYER

          • Beloved, I pray that all may go well with you!” (3 Jn 2). The understanding of our rootedness in God enables our hearts connected in prayer for one another.

          • SOLIDARITY

          • By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another (Jn 13:35). The identity of Christian discipleship unfolds in love.

          • MISSION

          • How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news?” (Rm 10:15). We, who are called in baptism, are constantly sent forth in mission, that we may reach out to everyone in need.

    • Vision and Mission
          • VISION

          • Hearts in Prayer, Minds in Mission, and Hands in Solidarity.

          • MISSION

          • To enkindle the Catholic Church in India with zeal for faith formation and proclamation, that being empowered in self-sufficiency and self-reliance, the Catholic faithful will collaborate for creative synergy in the peripheries of mission.

          • OBJECTIVES

          • To build a culture of sharing among the Catholic faithful in order to express solidarity with our brothers and sisters in need…

    • History

            The Conference of Catholic Bishops of India (CCBI), established in 1988, after the launch of the National Pastoral Plan in 2013, conceived the idea at different stages, and Communio saw its light in 2016, at the XXIX Plenary Assembly held in Bhopal. The celebration of the Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy (8 Dec 2015 to 20 Nov 2016) announced by our Holy Father Pope Francis.

    • Team
          • President, CCBI

            Cardinal Filipe Neri Ferrão
            Chairman, Communio

          • Vice President, CCBI

            Most Rev. George Antonysamy
            Member, Communio

          • Secretary General, CCBI

            Most Rev. Anil Couto
            Member, Communio

          • Deputy Secretary General, CCBI

            Rev. Dr. Stephen Alathara
            Director, Communio

          • Associate Director, Communio

            Rev. Fr. Vignan Das


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  • Home
    • Who we are
          • COMMUNIO

            Communio is an initiative of the Conference of Catholic Bishops of India (CCBI) since 2018, to assist, support, and sustain all our Dioceses and Religious Congregations working in rural and mission areas in their pastoral ministry.

    • What we do
          • PRAYER

          • Beloved, I pray that all may go well with you!” (3 Jn 2). The understanding of our rootedness in God enables our hearts connected in prayer for one another.

          • SOLIDARITY

          • By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another (Jn 13:35). The identity of Christian discipleship unfolds in love.

          • MISSION

          • How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news?” (Rm 10:15). We, who are called in baptism, are constantly sent forth in mission, that we may reach out to everyone in need.

    • Vision and Mission
          • VISION

          • Hearts in Prayer, Minds in Mission, and Hands in Solidarity.

          • MISSION

          • To enkindle the Catholic Church in India with zeal for faith formation and proclamation, that being empowered in self-sufficiency and self-reliance, the Catholic faithful will collaborate for creative synergy in the peripheries of mission.

          • OBJECTIVES

          • To build a culture of sharing among the Catholic faithful in order to express solidarity with our brothers and sisters in need…

    • History

            The Conference of Catholic Bishops of India (CCBI), established in 1988, after the launch of the National Pastoral Plan in 2013, conceived the idea at different stages, and Communio saw its light in 2016, at the XXIX Plenary Assembly held in Bhopal. The celebration of the Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy (8 Dec 2015 to 20 Nov 2016) announced by our Holy Father Pope Francis.

    • Team
          • President, CCBI

            Cardinal Filipe Neri Ferrão
            Chairman, Communio

          • Vice President, CCBI

            Most Rev. George Antonysamy
            Member, Communio

          • Secretary General, CCBI

            Most Rev. Anil Couto
            Member, Communio

          • Deputy Secretary General, CCBI

            Rev. Dr. Stephen Alathara
            Director, Communio

          • Associate Director, Communio

            Rev. Fr. Vignan Das


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Email Address


Phone Number

(+62) 8152 254 239

Our Location

Kuta, Bali 80361


  1. Kindly upload Project Application to Communio Website (www.communio.in). Please do not send dully filled Project Application to the Communio Secretariat via email or hard copy.
  2. The application send through email or hard copy through post will not be accepted.
  3. Construction Projects should be accompanied with plan and estimate.
  4. Copies of the following documents in pdf format must be uploaded along with the application to the Communio Website:
    •  Copy of Memorandum of Association and Rules and Regulations of Society or Charitable Company or Trust Deed of the Trust.
    • Copy of Certificate of Incorporation of the Society / Charitable Company / Trust Registration No. Endorsement on Trust Deed.
    • Copy of PAN Card of Society/Charitable Company/Trust.
    • Copy of renewed 12A(1)(ac)(vi) Income-tax Registration No.

General Guidelines

  • Communio belongs to the Conference of Catholic Bishops of India (CCBI) and it aims at helping dioceses and religious congregations in their needs. It chiefly supports projects that promote the proclamation of the Word of God either directly or indirectly. In other words, Communio renders assistance to projects of evangelization and pastoral care in our local Churches.
  • What we desire is a collaborative involvement in the life of the Church in India. By means of fraternal sharing and mutual learning we aim to make the Kingdom of God visible in our midst. Above all, Communio takes note of the various difficulties that our local Churches face due to financial constraints and tries its best to minimize them.
  • Communio supports projects that are planned and carried out by the local Churches. The aim of the support is to bring about a lasting improvement in the lives of those who are helped, thereby empowering them to be agents of further change and progress.
  • Hence Communio  contributions coming from dioceses, religious congregations and various benefactors will be disbursed for pastoral and evangelization works of the Latin Church in India carried out through our dioceses, religious congregations and CCBI Commissions.
  • In order to receive assistance from Communio,  there should be a Project Application, which must be submitted to the Communio Secretariat through the Diocesan Bishop (along with the recommendation from the Diocesan Communio Director) or the Chairman of the respective CCBI Commission.
  • The CCBI Office Bearers and the Project Selection Committee will scrutinize the applications and accordingly allot the funds to the Applicants.
  • The Applicants will have to sign an Agreement with the Communio Secretariat for the implementation of the project.

Conditions for Granting Financial Aid

  • Project Applications are to be submitted to the Communio Secretariat. They must be addressed to the President of the CCBI. Should the application be chosen for further consideration, the Applicant will be contacted in due time.
  • Requests for assistance can only be processed with the recommendation of the local Bishop. In the case of applications from members of religious congregations, the recommendation letter from the Major Superior should have the endorsement of the local Bishop. The Diocesan Communio Director should also endorse the project applications.
  • The Agreement related to the project will be sent to the Project Applicant. This Cooperation Agreement will list all the rights and obligations of both the parties.
  • Only after the Communio Secretariat receives the signed Agreement will the funds or the first instalment thereof be transferred. Payment will be subject to the availability of funds and the actual requirements.
  • The Applicant is obliged to carry out the project in accordance with the Project Application. Any changes in the implementation of the project would require the prior written approval from the Communio Secretariat.
  • The Applicant should undertake to carry out the project as per the terms of the Agreement and abiding by the directives of the local Bishop. The funds shall be used observing the precepts of economy, thriftiness and efficacy.
  • The Applicant must submit progress reports and interim financial statements to the Communio Secretariat every six months or immediately after the completion of the project. If the project duration is shorter, the final report and financial statement should be sent to the Communio Secretariat soon after the completion of the project.
  • If the reports and financial statements do not reach the Communio Secretariat within two months after the expiry of the deadline, this Secretariat reserves the right to withhold all further payments until the required documents are received.
  • The reports shall be written in English. They should follow the structure laid down in the Application Form, i.e. they should describe what was achieved in the period under review.
  • The copies of all relevant bills and receipts are to be appended to the interim and final financial reports. These bills and receipts must indicate the amount paid, the item or the service paid for and the date of the settlement.
  • The Communio Secretariat reserves the right to send its representative to visit the project site for an inspection of the progress of the project and of its finances.
  • The Applicant shall provide the Communio Secretariat with the visual material and background information on the proposed project, as per the terms of the Agreement.
  • Should the Applicant fail to comply with any of the conditions of this Agreement, the Communio Secretariat reserves the right to suspend payment of any further instalments until the reasons for such non-compliance are duly clarified by the Applicant.
  • If the reasons for non-compliance are not clarified in a satisfactory manner and if the non-fulfilment of any condition still persists, the Secretariat may demand the reimbursement of all the funds disbursed till date.

Attachments to be kept ready before filling the application form

  • Attach  the recommendation letter from the Local Bishop in PDF format. (Mandatory)
  • If Religious: Attach  the recommendation letter from the Provincial / Major Superior in PDF format.
  • Attach the recommendation letter from the Diocesan Communio Director in PDF format. (Mandatory)
  • Attach project related Images.
  • In case of construction project, attach a detailed plan approved by a recognized architect.

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