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    • Who we are
          • COMMUNIO

            Communio is an initiative of the Conference of Catholic Bishops of India (CCBI) since 2018, to assist, support, and sustain all our Dioceses and Religious Congregations working in rural and mission areas in their pastoral ministry.

    • What we do
          • PRAYER

          • Beloved, I pray that all may go well with you!” (3 Jn 2). The understanding of our rootedness in God enables our hearts connected in prayer for one another.

          • SOLIDARITY

          • By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another (Jn 13:35). The identity of Christian discipleship unfolds in love.

          • MISSION

          • How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news?” (Rm 10:15). We, who are called in baptism, are constantly sent forth in mission, that we may reach out to everyone in need.

    • Vision and Mission
          • VISION

          • Hearts in Prayer, Minds in Mission, and Hands in Solidarity.

          • MISSION

          • To enkindle the Catholic Church in India with zeal for faith formation and proclamation, that being empowered in self-sufficiency and self-reliance, the Catholic faithful will collaborate for creative synergy in the peripheries of mission.

          • OBJECTIVES

          • To build a culture of sharing among the Catholic faithful in order to express solidarity with our brothers and sisters in need…

    • History

            The Conference of Catholic Bishops of India (CCBI), established in 1988, after the launch of the National Pastoral Plan in 2013, conceived the idea at different stages, and Communio saw its light in 2016, at the XXIX Plenary Assembly held in Bhopal. The celebration of the Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy (8 Dec 2015 to 20 Nov 2016) announced by our Holy Father Pope Francis.

    • Team
          • President, CCBI

            Cardinal Filipe Neri Ferrão
            Chairman, Communio

          • Vice President, CCBI

            Most Rev. George Antonysamy
            Member, Communio

          • Secretary General, CCBI

            Most Rev. Anil Couto
            Member, Communio

          • Deputy Secretary General, CCBI

            Rev. Dr. Stephen Alathara
            Director, Communio

          • Associate Director, Communio

            Rev. Fr. Vignan Das


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  • Home
    • Who we are
          • COMMUNIO

            Communio is an initiative of the Conference of Catholic Bishops of India (CCBI) since 2018, to assist, support, and sustain all our Dioceses and Religious Congregations working in rural and mission areas in their pastoral ministry.

    • What we do
          • PRAYER

          • Beloved, I pray that all may go well with you!” (3 Jn 2). The understanding of our rootedness in God enables our hearts connected in prayer for one another.

          • SOLIDARITY

          • By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another (Jn 13:35). The identity of Christian discipleship unfolds in love.

          • MISSION

          • How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news?” (Rm 10:15). We, who are called in baptism, are constantly sent forth in mission, that we may reach out to everyone in need.

    • Vision and Mission
          • VISION

          • Hearts in Prayer, Minds in Mission, and Hands in Solidarity.

          • MISSION

          • To enkindle the Catholic Church in India with zeal for faith formation and proclamation, that being empowered in self-sufficiency and self-reliance, the Catholic faithful will collaborate for creative synergy in the peripheries of mission.

          • OBJECTIVES

          • To build a culture of sharing among the Catholic faithful in order to express solidarity with our brothers and sisters in need…

    • History

            The Conference of Catholic Bishops of India (CCBI), established in 1988, after the launch of the National Pastoral Plan in 2013, conceived the idea at different stages, and Communio saw its light in 2016, at the XXIX Plenary Assembly held in Bhopal. The celebration of the Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy (8 Dec 2015 to 20 Nov 2016) announced by our Holy Father Pope Francis.

    • Team
          • President, CCBI

            Cardinal Filipe Neri Ferrão
            Chairman, Communio

          • Vice President, CCBI

            Most Rev. George Antonysamy
            Member, Communio

          • Secretary General, CCBI

            Most Rev. Anil Couto
            Member, Communio

          • Deputy Secretary General, CCBI

            Rev. Dr. Stephen Alathara
            Director, Communio

          • Associate Director, Communio

            Rev. Fr. Vignan Das


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(+62) 8152 254 239

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Kuta, Bali 80361

“Be a Synodal Missionary Leader” Urges Cardinal Filipe Neri Ferrão

Benaulim 23 March 2024 (CCBI): Cardinal Filipe Neri Ferrão, President of CCBI and Archbishop of Goa and Daman, delivered an impassioned call to action during the conclusion of the Communio Volunteership programme held in Benaulim, Goa on 23 March 2024. 

Encouraging the participants to embrace the role of synodal missionary leaders, Cardinal Ferrão emphasized the importance of walking alongside others, listening attentively, and extending compassion to those in need.

Drawing inspiration from the life of Jesus, whom he identified as the quintessential model of synodal leadership, Cardinal Ferrão urged the attendees to cultivate a personal relationship with Christ in order to embody this transformative leadership style.

The culminating event included a solemn Holy Mass presided over by Cardinal Ferrão, during which 30 young leaders from diverse ten regions pledged their commitment to serve as lay missionaries in rural India. Graced with certificates bestowed by the Cardinal himself, these individuals symbolized a burgeoning movement of dedicated volunteers poised to make a tangible difference in their communities.

Participants were enriched during the programme in knowledge through session topics related to Church, mission, volunteering and role and use of media in the digital eta. The programme was jointly organised by Communio and CCBI Youth Commission.

“I had no knowledge of mission or what it means, but now I have a clear picture on how I can be a missionary. I love Communio because it is through this training program that I found my vision for my mission, which is to reach out to the needy and serve them selflessly” said Nihan Sequeira, Karnataka region.

Various group discussions, sharing and outdoor activities with learning outcomes steered a zeal for change amongst participants. “I saw, I learned and now it’s time for me to serve” exclaimed Jessica Sunom Lepcha of West Bengal region. She added “It’s now time for me to give my time and energy for mission and I will start by giving up my “prime time”.

“When we unveiled the Missionary Animation Programme of Communio, we received an overwhelmingly positive response from young leaders, with many expressing a keen interest in joining the training initiative. In collaboration with the Youth Commission, Communio will organize two to three programmes annually. Notably, the programme’s distinctiveness lies in its one-month missionary exposure in rural India,” stated Stephen Alathara, Deputy Secretary General of CCBI and Director of Communio.

Beyond classroom sessions, the programme fostered camaraderie and experiential learning through group discussions, outdoor activities, and a pilgrimage to historical sites in old Goa. Led by a team of esteemed resource persons including Rev. Dr. Stephen Alathara, Fr. Chetan Machado, Fr. Anil D’Sa, Rev. Dr. Cyril Victor, Fr. Vignan Das, Ms. Angela Nayak and Ms. Anastasia Pinto, among others, the programme provided a holistic educational experience designed to inspire meaningful action and lasting change.

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